"The biggest difference between the old and new air respirator lies in the connection of the mask and the supply valve of the gas cylinder tube. See, there are two buttons, one for opening and one for closing, which are quite different from the previous ones." Copyright Statement: This article is reproduced from online media and represents only the author's opinion. It has nothing to do with this site. If news articles and comments infringe your legal rights, please call us and we will handle it in a timely manner. Bridge Faucets,bridge kitchen faucet,Bridge Faucets price Yuyao Zelin Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd , https://www.zlsanitaryware.com
Recently, the Maoming Petrochemical Refinery Division has newly equipped several air breathing apparatus for the Joint Third Workshop. Due to the difference with the structure of the old air breathing apparatus, the workshop safety professional management personnel organized the employees to learn the new respirator operation method in batches at the first time. Ensure that employees correctly master the use of skills, skilled use of fire-fighting equipment.
Maoming Petrochemical Refinery: Timely Update of Air Respirator Usage