Nandu Futures: London aluminum prices difficult to support, Shanghai aluminum narrow oscillation

Quotes Overview: With the increase in inventory, LME prices fell down. Last night, LME aluminum opened at 1824 US dollars, the closing price of 1814 US dollars, fell 10 US dollars, volume 140,437 hands, inventories 519,925 lots. Inventories increased by 500 lots.

Shanghai Aluminum's recent contract across the board, the main contract 0511 to 16480 yuan opening, closing 16490 yuan, closing up 10 yuan, 798 lots, the market wait-and-see atmosphere is strong.

According to the preliminary data from the International Aluminum Association (IAI), the daily output of primary aluminum in the world fell to 64,700 tons in August 2005, from 64,800 tons in July to 61,200 tons in August 2004, but this figure does not include the output of China Aluminum. For example, if China's August aluminum production data were converted to an annual rate of 9 million tons, the growth rate was 20%.

Due to the high cost and restrictions on export policies, China's aluminum production basically supplies domestic demand. At present, the price movement of Lon Aluminum has a minor impact on Shanghai Aluminum. Unless there is a significant positive factor in the market, the aluminum market in Shanghai has remained in a narrow range due to weak demand.

Operational advice: long and short term hold, continue to wait and see

Nandu Futures Lu Xiaohua

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